What to do when you have buyers regret.
You were so excited to make that purchase. It was going to go with so many things in your wardrobe. You had nothing else like it (or that you could remember). It looked good in the store. You were sure it would fit your figure when you looked at it online. Click, purchased!
Then you put it on at home. It doesn’t look the way you thought it would. You’re finding it hard to work it into an outfit. It doesn’t quite feel like you. Oh dear.
It’s ok – it happens.
Here’s what you should do.
Keep the tags on! If there are stickers on the sole of the shoe: keep them on. If the sunglasses came in a case: keep them in that.
Put it somewhere you can see it. It is a good reminded you have bought it and gives you time to think if an how you could wear it.
Try it on, play with different outfits. Take the time to work it in with your wardrobe. This will make it easier to pull out later if you know what you can wear it with.
If you still don’t like it in a week. The take it back. TAKE IT BACK.
Image: Glamour
What not to do.
And whatever you do, don’t hide the sins of your purchase in the back of your wardrobe. It doesn’t help you, it doesn’t help the planet, and it doesn’t help the next owner.
Can’t take it back?
Then sell it. The second-hand clothing market is massive. Here are some great platforms that makes selling items easy.
· Gumtree
· Depop
· eBay
· Yordrobe
If it’s a luxury brand? Take it to a second-hand consignment store.
Can it be used by a charity or organisation? Find a Winter Coat Drive in your local city council, or donate to Dress for Success.
Whatever it is, do not leave it idol in your wardrobe taking up space and creating clutter. You bought. You don’t need. Pass-it-on.
Autumn Style offers a Pass-It-On package. Click the link below to find out more!